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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with representatives of Karelia’s timber and forestry industry, President Vladimir Putin said that protecting and replenishing the forest are issues that require particular attention. Mr Putin noted that the concept of sustainable and renewable forestry introduced by Russian specialists in the nineteenth century is still just as applicable today

July 21, 2003

The President paid particular attention to the question of finding the money to protect and replenish the forests. He also noted that regulating customs tariffs is one of the tools that can be used to ensure more effective use of forest resources.

Mr Putin said that the state agencies must improve their work on fighting problems such as forest fires, diseases affecting trees and illegal logging. The first step is to ensure better coordination of their activities.

Attracting investment to develop the forestry industry is one of the primary objectives. The President noted that there is very little investment in timber and forestry enterprises’ fixed capital, and in some cases no investment at all.

July 21, 2003