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Official website of the President of Russia

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President Vladimir Putin took part in the work of the 12th Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

November 14, 2003, Column Hall, Moscow

In his speech Vladimir Putin presented his vision of the most effective ways to develop the Russian economy: strengthening the institution of property, tax and administrative reforms, the development of the financial and banking sphere and reorganisation of infrastructure monopolies.

The President said that the government, business and society must cooperate in building a strong and competitive economy, improving the wellbeing of the people and creating stable and predictable labour conditions.

In the opinion of the head of state, Russia’s level of economic development and social stability enabled it to set new ambitious tasks, including a new social policy. Vladimir Putin stressed that there were major expectations in society on that score and expressed confidence that the business community could provide real support for the reforms that have been initiated in the Armed Forces, the housing and utilities, public health and education sectors.

The President sees excessive administrative functions of the government and bureaucracy in the economy as serious obstacles that stymie entrepreneurial activities. Any excessive powers should be seen as leading directly to abuses, corruption of the agency or its individual officials, the President said. Vladimir Putin promised that the executive branch would see through the administrative reform and the Government would shortly approve model statutes on the functions of the ministries, agencies, services and committees and administrative regulations spelling out the procedure of document processing.

November 14, 2003, Column Hall, Moscow