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Official website of the President of Russia

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President Vladimir Putin sent a message to Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

May 6, 2004

The message said, in part:

“The international community must assist Iraq in building a democratic state, while preserving the unity and territorial integrity of the country. In our opinion, that goal could be furthered by a UN-sponsored conference similar to the one on Afghanistan. In it, all the political forces in Iraq jointly with the representatives of neighbouring states and members of the UN Security Council could lay down a strategy for a lasting settlement in Iraq.

“We welcome the invigorated UN participation in dealing with the crisis, specifically the fact that the special advisor to the UN Secretary-General, L.Brahimi, has joined the negotiating process in Iraq. However, the UN can launch full-scale work on the ground in Iraq only after June 30 when the safety of its personnel is ensured. To this end it is necessary to ‘draw a line’ under the period of occupation and launch a new stage under the aegis of the UN.

“Fresh Security Council resolutions will be required on the broad aspects of the transitional period, including a revised UN mandate, the mandates of UNMOVIC and the IAEA in Iraq, the practicability of maintaining the military embargo, and the character of international assistance to Iraq in ensuring stability, etc.

“Only broad participation of the international community and the active role of the UN as well as Iraq’s neighbours can give positive momentum to settlement in Iraq.”

On the problem of the Middle East, Mr Putin notes in his message that “a lasting and just peace in the region and the achievement of the national aspirations of the Palestinian people are only possible if the Arab-Israeli conflict is settled pursuant to the UN Security Council Resolutions 242, 338, 1397 and 1515 and the Madrid principles are followed. This is the settlement envisaged by the ‘road map’ approved by the two parties involved and the whole international community, which remains the only adequate response to the situation.

“I hope that through joint efforts and with the participation of all the interested members of the world community and authoritative international organisations, including the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, we will manage to restore peace and stability in Iraq and achieve a just and lasting settlement in the Middle East.”

May 6, 2004