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Official website of the President of Russia

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Despite the remoteness of Kamchatka from Russian political, cultural and business centres, it should develop swiftly

June 24, 2004

During a visit to Kamchatka, President Vladimir Putin called for the creation of centres attractive to people in the Far East, which would become dominating institutions of social development. Speaking of the project of building an oceanarium, President Vladimir Putin said that scientific research activity should be combined with popularization of life science. People should have the chance to find out what biology is, and not in a pseudo-scientific way, but in an accessible way. The President gave his support to this project and said that it could be realized soon.

Kamchatka is not just a unique nature sanctuary, it is also an outpost of the country. More attention to social issues should also be given in the Far East military district. At a meeting with the command of the Pacific fleet in Vilyuchinsk, the President noted that plans to develop the fleet cannot exist separately without solving problems of a social nature. The amount of problems that have amassed, and also the remoteness of the location, are additional problems that require special attention to the social sphere.

June 24, 2004