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Russian President sent messages of congratulations to the CIS heads of state on the sixty-third anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
In his message to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev, Mr Medvedev said: “Russia and Azerbaijan both preserve and cherish the memory of the feats of the heroes who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of their Motherland and the happiness of future generations. The lessons of that terrible war oblige us today to do all we can to strengthen the traditionally solid and good-neighbourly ties between our two countries for the good of our peoples and in the interests of regional stability and security.”
In his message to President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, Mr Medvedev said: “I am confident that the friendship between Russia and Armenia, which has stood the test of time, will continue to provide the foundation for our ongoing efforts to build our strategic partnership and develop the multifaceted cooperation between our countries”.
In a message to President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, Mr Medvedev said: “May 9 is a glorious date in our shared history. It will always stand as the symbol of the unflinching courage and unparalleled heroism of our peoples, who saved their country and the world from Nazism. It is the duty of today’s generations to preserve the memory of those who fell in that terrible war and to do everything possible to continue to strengthen the multifaceted ties between Russia and Belarus. I am sure that our two countries will continue to develop the potential of our strategic partnership and build on our bilateral ties for the good of both peoples.“
In his message to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, Mr Medvedev said: “May 9 will forever remain the symbol of the unity and unrivalled heroism of our peoples who fought side by side on the battlefield against fascism and laboured selflessly in the rear for Victory.”
“For four long years our peoples fought side by side, selflessly defending the freedom and independence of their Motherland and dealing a decisive blow to fascism. The undying glory of the heroes of the battlefield and those who toiled in the rear is part of our common history and a lofty moral beacon for our continued efforts to strengthen the friendship, good-neighbourly relations and strategic partnership between our countries,“ Mr Medvedev said in his message to President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
In his message to President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Mr Medvedev said: “May 9 is the everlasting symbol of the heroism of our peoples who stood as one on the battlefield, fighting selflessly, facing deprivation and sacrificing their own lives to defend the Motherland from the fascist threat and save the peoples of Europe from enslavement. I am sure that the friendship that was forged in the hardships of those wartime years will help us to continue developing the partnership and cooperation between Russia and Kyrgyzstan and will serve as an example for current and future generations.”
In a message to President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin, Mr Medvedev said: “The peoples of Russia and Moldova hold sacred the memory of those who showed unequalled heroism and self-sacrifice in the fight against Nazism. I am sure that the unity and greatness of spirit shown by our peoples during the war years will always be a worthy example for current and future generations”.
“The peoples of Russia and Tajikistan stood firm together in the face of the Nazi threat and endured all the hardships that were their lot with dignity. I am sure that the fraternal bonds forged during those wartime years will provide a solid foundation for consistent development of the good-neighbourly relations between our countries,” Mr Medvedev said in his message to President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon.
In his message to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, Mr Medvedev said: “The glory and heroism of the generation of victors who fought for the freedom and independence of their Motherland will always remain in the hearts of their grateful descendents. Our peoples traversed the difficult roads of the Great Patriotic War together. The memory of this glorious feat appeals to us to strengthen the bonds of friendship, develop our partnership and build cooperation between our countries in all areas.”
In his message to President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, Mr Medvedev said: “On this memorable day we pay tribute to the unequalled heroism of the war veterans and toilers in the rear who saved their Motherland from fascist enslavement. Their courage and steadfastness, unity and spirit of solidarity are a worthy example for today’s generations in our countries. I am sure that the friendship between our peoples, forged during those difficult war years, will continue to serve as a solid foundation for the ongoing development of our strategic partnership and the multifaceted cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan.”
“We will never forget at what price Victory was achieved, and we will always remember the invaluable contribution the Ukrainian people made to the common cause of destroying fascism. In the memory of those who did not return from the battlefield, we must work together to prevent any attempts to whitewash the crimes of the Nazis and cast doubt on the Soviet Army’s liberating mission,“ Mr Medvedev said in his message to President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.
May 9, 2008