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Official website of the President of Russia

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Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting of the Security Council on the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation through to 2020 and the measures necessary to implement it

March 24, 2009

The President stressed that the new document is organised around principles that reflect state policy in the sphere of security and is based on Russia's national priorities.

The Strategy is designed to improve the quality of public administration, to coordinate the activities of public authorities and government and volunteer organizations in order to protect Russia's national interests and the security of the person, society and state.

The President said that during the period of global crisis Russia should not abandon its strategic planning and the implementation of its long-term plans. In this regard, he also presented the Framework for Strategic Planning to the members of the Security Council, a document necessary for the implementation of long-term national priorities.

In light of the discussion at the meeting it was decided to finalise the Strategy within the next month.

March 24, 2009