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Official website of the President of Russia

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The President signed federal laws designed to improve the legislation in the information sector and implement the constitutional provisions that provide that everyone has the right to an inviolable private life and freedom of information

July 28, 2006

The new federal law ”On Information, Information Technologies and Protecting Information“ defines basic state policy in the field of information technology. The law expands the concept of information, outlines the competences of the owner of information, and includes the right to access information, guarantees and the methods for implementing the said right, as well as different forms of using modern information technology such as information systems and telecommunication networks.

The federal law ”On Personal Data“ establishes general unified requirements for processing personal data in all spheres in which these data are used. It is forbidden to impinge on the rights and freedoms of citizens when collecting data or with respect to certain data that is designated as private. It is also forbidden to use methods that would violate citizens’ privacy or insult human dignity.

The law provides for the possibility of establishing a state register of the population with a view to ensuring the implementation of citizens’ personal data rights while their personal data is being processed by state and municipal information systems. The federal law determines the legal status and working methods for this register.

July 28, 2006