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The law was passed by the State Duma on February 7, 2007 and was approved by the Federation Council on February 21, 2007.
The federal law modifies 18 legislative acts of the Russian Federation which contain provisions defining the status of persons that hold national or municipal positions, or perform national or municipal services (deputies, the highest authorities of the regions of the Russian Federation, judges, public prosecutors, auditors of the Russian Audit Chamber, members of electoral commissions with the right to cast a vote, elected officials of the bodies of local self-government, federal and local civil servants).
In particular, the law provides that the said persons cannot be members of supervision bodies, trustee or supervisory councils, other bodies of foreign non-governmental organisations or divisions of foreign non-governmental organisations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the international agreements of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the teaching, academic and other creative activities carried out by the said persons cannot be financed exclusively with financial resources from foreign states, foreign or international organisations, foreign citizens, or persons without citizenship unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the international agreements of the Russian Federation.
March 3, 2007