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The Russian and Chinese leaders met six times in 2006, President Vladimir Putin said following a meeting with President of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao, in Russia on a state visit.
Mr Putin and Mr Hu discussed top issues currently on the international and bilateral agendas. Russia and China intend to continue developing joint projects and expand their partnership in all areas. The two Presidents discussed specific steps to develop cooperation, which are reflected in the Joint Declaration signed following the talks.
Mr Putin and Mr Hu evaluated highly the Year of Russia in China, which has just ended, and took part in the opening ceremony for the Year of China in Russia.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr Putin said he was confident that many of the economic, scientific and cultural initiatives put forward last year will be developed in worthy fashion.
The opening of the Year of China in Russia marks the ascension towards new heights in the partnership between the two countries, Mr Putin said. Russia and China are not simply close neighbours, but are two great civilisations, the history and culture of which carry an immense power of mutual cultural and spiritual attraction.
March 26, 2007