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Official website of the President of Russia

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Vladimir Putin sent a greeting to the participants and guests of the 5th Russian Petroleum Congress and the 9th Moscow International Oil and Gas Exhibition

June 26, 2007

The Russian President’s greeting reads, in particular:

“I welcome the participants and guests of the fifth Russian Petroleum Congress and the ninth Moscow International Oil and Gas Exhibition (MIOGE 2007).

Your forum brings together two large-scale significant events and has gathered international and Russian leaders in the oil and gas industry as well as scientists and experts from Russia and abroad. This event at which a meaningful dialogue on the energy industry’s key development issues takes place between professionals is rightly recognised as one of the industry’s most authoritative discussion forums. These issues include increasing international energy cooperation, ensuring global energy security and protecting the environment.

Russian experts expect that the forthcoming congress and exhibition will provide comprehensive assessments of the domestic energy industry and expand potential horizons for cooperation with foreign partners. In turn, Russia’s foreign partners will have the opportunity to become familiar with the tangible achievements of the Russian oil and gas sector.

I am confident that a constructive exchange of opinions will take place during the forum and that a number of useful recommendations will be compiled.

I wish you successful work and all the best.”

June 26, 2007