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Official website of the President of Russia

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The Russian President sent a message to the Japanese Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi

February 1, 2002

The message was handed over by Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov who is visiting Tokyo.

The message speaks highly of the two countries’ intentions, which were confirmed at summit meetings, to pursue a policy aimed at building a constructive partnership based on earlier reached agreements. It is noted that it is necessary to use all achievements to intensify the work developing practical cooperation in various spheres.

It is pointed out that Russia and Japan can make a considerable joint contribution to the international efforts to stop terrorism, can effectively cooperate in the post-conflict rebuilding of Afghanistan and promote the social and economic development of neighbouring countries.

On President Putin’s instructions, Mr Ivanov confirmed the invitation to the Japanese Prime Minister to come to Russia on an official visit in the current year. The date of the visit will be specified in the course of its preparation.

February 1, 2002