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Official website of the President of Russia

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President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the Cabinet

April 8, 2002, The Kremlin, Moscow

When opening the session, the President assessed the Government-submitted plans for the development of the Russian economy.

The respective document provided for two possible scenarios, one optimistic and one pessimistic. The President stressed that neither scenario guaranteed shrinking the gap between Russia and the main industrial nations.

In the President’s opinion, the Government should make more ambitious plans. Neither the Government nor the country should be satisfied with those rather positive but insufficiently intensive development rates, he said.

Mr Putin also said that he signed a federal law introducing amendments and additions to the provisions for additional social benefits for orphaned children. The matter concerned the payment of allowances to all orphaned children to finish their education. The President called on the Government to step up the payment of such allowances.

April 8, 2002, The Kremlin, Moscow