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The federal law is designed to optimize the conditions for the activities of the nuclear sector and provides for creating the Federal Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, (hereafter referred to as the Corporation). This Corporation is needed for integrated resource management of the nuclear sector, including its financing from the federal budget.
The federal law regulates the establishment and the legal status of the Corporation, whose primary objectives are to carry out government policy and ensure the uniformity of management in the use of nuclear energy, the stable functioning of various organizations in the energy, industry and nuclear weapons complexes, to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, and the execution of international obligations concerning the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. To achieve these goals the Corporation is authorized to act on behalf of the Russian Federation to carry out government policy with regards to the use of nuclear energy, ensure security when using nuclear energy, manage the government reserves of special mineral resources and fissionable materials, as well as to oversee the implementation of the rights of property ownership of several federal state unitary businesses, and to realize other functions.
December 3, 2007