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Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov reported on the first meeting of the Government Commission for the Development of Small and Medium Business.
The President asked that all regional and municipal decisions regarding small and medium business be brought into line with federal legislation as soon as possible.
First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov spoke about an upcoming meeting of the Government Council for Nanotechnology. The meeting will examine the Rosnanotechnology Corporation’s work to prepare the ground for mass production of goods making use of nanotechnology and to select specific projects.
Mr Ivanov also reported on a meeting of the Marine Collegium, planned for April 18, which will look at establishing and protecting Russia’s external borders on the Arctic continental shelf, future exploration and development of the shelf, and improving the admittance and processing of traffic at sea ports.
Mr Putin instructed Mr Ivanov to organise a meeting to examine the development of Russia’s shipbuilding industry.
Economic Development and Trade Minister Elvira Nabiullina reported on a tender for bids to receive private investment support funds from the Russian Venture Company.
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin reported on steps taken to carry out the President’s instructions to raise public sector wages starting from February 1, 2008.
Mr Putin said that action must be taken to deal with the problems that have led to delays in putting the wage rise into effect.
April 14, 2008, The Kremlin, Moscow