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Official website of the President of Russia

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Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone with participants in the New Year Tree of Wishes campaign

December 27, 2021

Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone with five-year-old Osor Ayusheyev from Buryatia, who had been treated to a private tour of a fire station in Ulan-Ude. The boy visited the museum room and received a firefighter uniform as a gift. Later he, along with his parents and older brother, watched a concert marking Rescue Worker’s Day.

The President heard about Osor’s dream to become a firefighter for a day on December 5 during the #WeAreTogether awards ceremony. It is Vladimir Putin’s fourth time taking part in the New Year Tree of Wishes national campaign. The President picked three ornaments with children’s wishes. One of them was Osor’s.

Vladimir Putin also spoke to another participant in the charity campaign, Mark Koblenev from the Moscow Region. Mark’s dream of getting a guitar for the New Year holiday came true on December 21. It was also then, a week ago, that Vladimir Putin learned from Mark’s mum about their hardship. She admitted that they had no home of their own and had to stay with friends. The President promised to help. A few days ago, Nadezhda and Mark moved into their own flat.

The large family with which Mark used to live also received help to improve their living conditions. The President spoke with them over the phone as well.

December 27, 2021