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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrades,
I congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of Russian National Guard Troops.
Established six years ago, the National Guard has become an inseparable and reliable link in the comprehensive state system of ensuring the rule of law and law enforcement, and protecting the rights and interests of our citizens.
You make a significant contribution to fighting terrorism, extremism and organised crime; you enforce public order and guard the most important facilities, achieving significant results in these and other areas of activity.
Members of the National Guard are striving to enhance the best professional traditions in their everyday service. They follow the example of and display deep and sincere respect for the veterans of the Interior Ministry Troops, Special Police Force and Rapid Deployment Police Force, the structures that became the basis of the National Guard of today.
I want to specially address the service personnel and staff of the National Guard units involved in the special military operation in Donbass and Ukraine.
Indeed, combat conditions involve increased risk. I am well aware of how you act in this situation: highly courageously and professionally, skilfully and fearlessly, you resolve the most complicated tasks set before you competently and precisely while showing personal heroism.
Our entire vast country is rightly proud of each of you. I want to thank you for your stamina and your impeccable service to Russia, for your loyalty to our Fatherland, to your oath of allegiance and your duty.
Once again, my congratulations to the service members and commanders, the entire personnel and the veterans of the National Guard on your professional holiday.
I wish you and your families good health, success and good luck.
March 27, 2022