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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to First National School History Forum Right Makes Might

April 19, 2022

Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the First National School History Forum Right Makes Might.

The message reads, in part:

“The name of your forum clearly and comprehensively shows the importance of historical truth for our country and each Russian citizen. Deep knowledge of history and a respectful and caring attitude to the great patriotic, spiritual and cultural heritage of our Fatherland help us draw the correct conclusions from the past, derive strength and inspiration from the military and labour achievements of our forefathers, understand that the true and wholehearted devotion of the people to our Fatherland and its interests form the basis of our thousand-year-old state and that only love for our country can help us implement all our plans, move forward and create a mighty and prosperous Fatherland.

Of great significance in this regard are the stand our young people take, their desire to study, progress and contribute to the defence of the historical truth. This is why I regard your forum as an important project that we need now. It is symbolic that it will be held in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora ahead of May 9. It is notable that many of the forum’s participants – hundreds of children from over 30 regions are taking part in volunteer initiatives, educational and military-patriotic programmes.

I hope that the First National School History Forum will be a success thanks to your energy and your sincere desire to work for the benefit of society, and that you will not just discuss important issues of history and modern times but also acquire new knowledge, find like-minded people and make good friends.”

April 19, 2022