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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings on 100th anniversary of the Republic of Altai

June 1, 2022

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to residents of the Republic of Altai on the 100th anniversary of establishing the Oirot Autonomous Region, which later became the Republic of Altai.

The message reads, in part:

“This event contributed to the region’s socioeconomic development and played an important role in the destiny of the ethnic groups that have been living on your territory since ancient times.

It is gratifying to see how caringly you treat your history, unique culture and the traditions and customs of your ancestors, while striving to effectively address the objectives facing the Republic. The most important challenges are to attract large-scale investment into the economy and the agro-industrial sector, to create modern jobs and to boost the living standards and quality of life. And, of course, it is highly important to support the tourism sector because Gorny Altai is an extremely beautiful pristine territory that has gained fame for its unique nature, interesting routes and spas, as well as the cordiality and hospitality of its residents.”

June 1, 2022