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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings on 85th anniversary of Far Eastern State Transport University

October 12, 2022

Vladimir Putin congratulated the faculty, undergraduate and post-graduate students and alumni of the Far Eastern State University of Transport on its 85th anniversary.

The message reads, in part:

“Over the past years, your university has come a long and substantive way to become a respected leader in the field of higher technical education in Russia’s Far Eastern Federal District and win well-deserved prestige in the international academic and education community. Guided by experienced instructors, it has trained several generations of skilled professionals, who have applied their knowledge and skills in the railway, transport and other sectors of the national economy and social sphere, public service and teaching. Thousands of foreign graduates are working successfully in their native countries, demonstrating high competencies and a responsible attitude to their jobs.

It is gratifying that the current faculty staff, undergraduate and post-graduate students at your university deeply care for the wonderful traditions of their predecessors, are actively contributing to the achievement of the main national goals and learning to use modern digital technologies and innovative learning platforms.

I am confident that the university will maintain its high status and will remain attractive to the talented and ambitious young people who are striving for professional achievement.”

October 12, 2022