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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to Kurgan Region residents

February 6, 2023

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the residents of the Kurgan Region on its 80th anniversary.

The message reads, in part:

“You can be rightfully proud of the history of your home region and the names of fellow countrymen who glorified it with labour achievements, feats of arms, and scientific discoveries. Thanks to their dedication and selflessness, their desire to benefit the Fatherland, the vast territories of the Trans-Urals and their rich mineral deposits were developed; large industrial enterprises, social, energy, and transport infrastructure facilities were put into operation.

It is gratifying that the Kurgan Region is developing steadily, increasing its industrial, agricultural, and innovative potential. The region’s residents love and know how to work, how to make a significant contribution to the solution of key national tasks and, of course, today, when we are faced with serious challenges, they worthily continue the patriotic traditions of their fathers and grandfathers: they heroically defend their homeland, produce military products, and support the families of participants in the special military operation.”

February 6, 2023