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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to Russia’s women on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2023

Vladimir Putin congratulated Russia’s women on International Women’s Day.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Dear women,

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best on International Women's Day.

Many countries celebrate this holiday, but for Russia, it is always filled with special warmth and meaning, with the most kind, joyful and sincere feelings, because this reverence and respect towards women and motherhood is an unconditional value for us, something we have been passing on from generation to generation.

Today, everyone across all the cities and towns of our vast country is addressing words of love and admiration to their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives, daughters, and girlfriends, eager to please their loved and dearest ones, to hug them and say something they might not have time to say every day amid the fast flow of events, to give their love, convey the kindest feelings and say the most sincere words to those who believe in them and wait for them at home in times of trial and separation.

Dear women, we know and appreciate the weight you are carrying. We realise how much in our lives depends on your hard work and generous souls, how much effort you put into taking care of children and ensuring love, comfort and harmony in your families.

And of course, your unwavering responsibility is something that inspired unwavering respect; so does your ability to take into account the minutest details, all aspects of your job, and all the best qualities that you show in various professions.

Today, I would like to pay tribute to the servicewomen who have chosen the highest mission – defending the Motherland, women in combat units, in the military, paramedics, nurses with medical regiments, companies, and hospitals, who risk their own lives on the frontline to save the wounded. Your courage, determination and valour amaze even the most hardened fighters.

In difficult moments, in times of trial, the warmth of the woman's heart always turns into a powerful force that indicates the most correct, fair, and necessary course of action. This is what is happening now. I know how sincerely and sometimes selflessly you are supporting our soldiers and officers, whether they are your loved ones or complete strangers, both with warm words and good deeds. You write letters and send parcels with things they need, make camouflage nets, and volunteer at hospitals to take care of every soldier as if he were your own son.

You are inspiring faith and helping our heroes to feel a piece of home despite the distance that separates them. Your compassion and mercy can work wonders, and they do.

Dear women,

On this new spring day, I want to wish you love and mutual understanding with the people you love, and may the warmth that your hearts so generously share return to you and keep you warm too.

All the best to you. Happy International Women's Day!

March 8, 2023