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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with Government members

May 6, 2024, Government House, Moscow

Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Government members.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues.

I came here today to thank you for our joint work over the past years. We remember how it all began; I mean how your work in this team started. It started right on the eve of the unpleasant events for all of us, related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Just several weeks before it broke, the Government had been formed. After that, issues related to fighting the coronavirus started to arise. It was a very difficult test, I would even say a trial for Russia, for all of us, and for the entire world, to be honest.

I must say that together we came through this trial. It was necessary to mobilise all our healthcare resources, the entire social sphere, as well as industry and production of everything the country needed to fight the coronavirus; and, overall, let me say once again that we passed this trial with dignity.

A lot has been done by the Government to arrange the necessary work in the economy, too, because, in addition to organising specific production, decisions had to be made that impacted the economy in general: what must be closed and what not.

I remember it well how we were solving tasks, for example, of construction sites and road building: what must be closed, what must not, how it should be done, what should be done with the workforce, including creative teams and how to support them in the conditions when we had to restrict their work. There were a lot of issues, and, overall, the support measures for huge enterprises and entire economic sectors were timely and well-balanced. All of this yielded a generally satisfactory result both for the fight against the coronavirus and for the economy.

Then, in 2022, other problems emerged, when it became clear that, after eight years of abuse suffered by the residents of Donbass, we were still unable to resolve the problems in that region by peaceful means. We were unable to help the people who lived and still live there, whom we had always considered our own – and they had considered Russia their historical homeland. In a little while we realised that our opponents were leading us a pretty dance, so we had to take extraordinary steps to protect those people by force of arms.

We all know what happened next, economy-wise. It was a blatant economic aggression against Russia in the truest sense of the word. The endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing – we all know what their goal was: to destroy Russia from within, not only politically, but above all economically, to disrupt corporate teams, to cause mass unemployment, landslide closures of factories and shut-down of entire industries. As we know, our opponents have failed. The result was exactly the opposite of what they expected.

Last year, Russia’s economy grew faster than the global economy. In terms of annual growth, we were ahead not only of the leading countries in the EU, but also of all the so-called G7 member states. Together, we have been looking for appropriate responses to the most difficult historical challenges and, on the whole, we have successfully overcome them. And, importantly, we continued to address current issues, working vigorously and consistently on the development agenda towards key national goals and priorities. We have strengthened our international standing, putting Russia’s security and sovereignty at the forefront of all the tasks we set for ourselves and tackled.

We have ensured decent growth in people’s wages and real incomes. People’s real incomes were generally growing at an acceptable pace, even a good pace. Of course, we could probably have done even more. But on the whole, what has been done is quite deserving and, to be modest, the results are quite satisfactory.

I would like to separately note the Government’s systemic work to introduce up-to-date approaches and digital management technologies. A lot has been done to bring the processes of industrial and interdepartmental coordination to a new level, to consistently enhance the quality and accessibility of public services for our citizens, and to improve the business and investment climate, which is extremely important for the final overall result.

I know how close and constructive your cooperation with your colleagues in the legislative branch was, as well as with the regions, public and business circles, and the expert community. Let me stress that tangible results have been achieved in all the main areas, and the momentum gained and the groundwork done are extremely important to successfully addressing today’s and future challenges and implementing our long-term development plans. We know that we have to launch new national projects and new federal programmes. What has been done so far is a good basis for progress.

As you know, soon, in accordance with the Russian Constitution, a new Government will be formed. And during this period, we need to do everything necessary to ensure that the implementation of plans continues actively, so that there are no pauses in our work. Therefore, I expect the colleagues at all levels of the executive branch to stay concentrated, composed, and work toward a results. We need continuity in the work to achieve national development goals. And I am confident that all this will certainly be ensured.

I would like to once again thank Mr Mishustin and all of you, colleagues, for being professional, staying true to Russia’s goals and interests, and understanding your immense responsibility to the people for your every step, every word said and every decision made. In today’s conditions, everything is important; there are no little things. The cost of our actions at this historical time for Russia is extremely high. Your experience, your knowledge, personal authority, and business skills will certainly be in demand. Thank you very much, colleagues, for your hard and fruitful work.

And, of course, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming great holiday, Victory Day!

Thank you.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin: Mr President, colleagues,

First of all, Mr President, let me thank you for the trust you put in me personally and in every member of the Cabinet in 2020.

Yes, it is true, two weeks after the Cabinet was formed, the coronavirus pandemic broke out, as you have said. And later we faced difficult challenges: a huge number of sanctions, which are said to exceed all sanctions that have ever been imposed against any country. All of this has mobilised us.

But, of course – I am sure all Cabinet members would agree – we worked under your guidance, this internal mentorship that you offered us on each and every issue. And the enormous number of industrial meetings, and a huge, I would say endless number of 24/7 consultations, also had their effect.

I would like to say that we were trying very hard not to let you and the people of our country down. We are proud to have the opportunity to be part of your team, Mr President.

Today you said that, according to the Constitution, the Government members and the Prime Minister are to resign. But I am absolutely sure, and many members of the Cabinet told me that no matter what position my colleagues find themselves in, they will be strictly committed to fulfilling the country’s national development goals. They will do everything for their state and their people.

Thank you for your attention and trust.

Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, this political cycle is ending. Another political cycle is beginning. But work in the interests of Russia, the Russians and all other peoples of the Russian Federation does not stop.

I want to express my gratitude for what we have done and what you have done in previous years and also hope that we will do much more in the name of Russia and its people.

Thank you very much. All the best. See you later.

May 6, 2024, Government House, Moscow