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Official website of the President of Russia

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Executive Order on Russia’s development goals through 2030 and for the future until 2036

May 7, 2024

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On the Development Goals of the Russian Federation through 2030 and for the Future Until 2036.

In order to ensure sustainable economic and social development of the Russian Federation, strengthen its state, culture and values, and economic sovereignty, increase Russia’s population and raise the people’s living standards while relying on traditional national spiritual and moral values and the principles of patriotism, human priority, social justice and equal opportunities, ensure state security and public safety, openness to the outside world, economic development based on fair competition, entrepreneurship and private initiative, high efficiency and technological effectiveness, the President set forth the following national development goals of the Russian Federation through 2030 and for the future until 2036:

- preservation of the population, strengthening health and improving the wellbeing of people, supporting families;

- self-fulfilment of each person, unlocking their talents, and educating a patriotic and socially responsible person;

- comfortable and safe living environment;

- ecological well-being;

- stable and dynamic economy;

- technological leadership;

- digital transformation of state and municipal administration, the economy, and social sphere.

The Executive Order sets out indicators and tasks the implementation of which shall be indicative of the achievement of the above goals, as well as specific deadlines for reaching these targets.

The Government of the Russian Federation, with the participation of the State Council, has been instructed to develop, by September 1, 2024, and submit for consideration to the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, a package of national projects to ensure technological leadership, as well as the following national projects:

Long and Active Life;


Youth and Children;


Infrastructure for Life;

Efficient Transport System;

Ecological Well-Being;

Efficient and Competitive Economy;

Tourism and Hospitality;

International Cooperation and Exports;

Data Economy and Digital Transformation of the State.

The Government has also been instructed to submit to the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects a unified plan to achieve national development goals through 2030 and for the future until 2036, as well as to develop and approve a strategy for the spatial development of the Russian Federation through 2030, and also by July 1, 2025, to draft and approve a comprehensive plan for the development of transport, energy, telecommunications, social and other infrastructure necessary for the implementation of national goals for the period up to 2036.

In addition, the Russian Government has been instructed to provide for priority budget allocations for the implementation of national goals every year when forming the draft federal budget for the next financial year and for the planning period, as well as to ensure that additional federal budget revenues are channelled for their implementation.

The Presidential Executive Office together with the State Council have been instructed, in particular, to determine and constantly monitor sociological indicators of achieving national goals, target indicators and tasks set forth in this Executive Order.

May 7, 2024