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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with Premier of the State Council of China Li Qiang

May 16, 2024, Beijing

During his state visit to China, Vladimir Putin met with Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Qiang.


President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Premier of the State Council,

For my part, I am also very pleased to meet with you and discuss topical issues of bilateral cooperation following our extensive and detailed talks with President Xi Jinping today.

We have signed the fundamental Joint Statement on deepening our comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction as we enter a new era. We have set ambitious goals and long-term guidelines for the development of the entire range of Russia-China relations. As you just mentioned, this document was signed ahead of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries.

Over the past seven and a half decades, Russia-China relations have developed dynamically and reached an unprecedentedly high level. They are based on a solid foundation of neighbourliness, equality, mutual respect and support. This strategic approach serves the fundamental interests of the Russian and Chinese nations.

In this connection, I would like to thank you personally, esteemed Mr Premier, as well as all your colleagues from the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, for prioritising stronger and diversified Russia-China cooperation, particularly our trade and economic ties.

We have scored impressive results in practical cooperation through joint efforts. Today, we have already discussed statistics that highlight bilateral trade. As you mentioned, according to Chinese statistics, bilateral trade has exceeded $240 billion. Our statistics are slightly lower, but this is not important. We have reached such a high level in the past five years.

Energy is a key area of our cooperation. Russia is a reliable supplier of energy carriers for the growing Chinese economy. By the way, last year saw record high Russian oil, gas and coal shipments to China.

We are expanding our industrial cooperation, including in the automotive industry, and increasing agricultural trade volumes. We are coordinating various plans in high technology and innovation, including space exploration and the nuclear power industry, and implementing them successfully. We have achieved tangible results in developing the transport infrastructure.

Furthermore, we are deepening our cultural and humanitarian ties. We are organising numerous events and implementing roadmaps for cultural and humanitarian cooperation until 2030 in the fields of education, culture, healthcare, sport, media, cinema, tourism, archives and youth policy.

The cross years of Russian and Chinese culture play an important role in this context. President Xi Jinping and I will officially launch them today.

I understand that you have established cordial and business-like relations with Mr Mishustin, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. We hope that your close and truly professional working relationship will continue.

In practice, the mechanism of regular meetings between Russian and Chinese heads of government has proven to be effective. This also applies to the implementation of the entire range of highest-level agreements. Moscow is set to host regular talks at the level of prime ministers. We look forward to welcoming you to Russia. I am confident that these talks will contribute to further deepening Russia-China relations.

Thank you.


May 16, 2024, Beijing