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Official website of the President of Russia

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Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi

June 5, 2024

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi.

The President of Russia warmly congratulated Narendra Modi on the success of the Indian People’s Party in the general parliamentary elections that finished a few days ago. This reflects the support of the political course pursued by the Indian leadership, recognition of the results achieved in the country's socioeconomic development and strengthening of its international authority.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the current level of especially privileged strategic partnership between Russia and India, which will continue to expand in all areas.

It was agreed to continue constructive personal interaction between the two countries’ leaders.

A message of congratulations was also sent to Narendra Modi.

The message reads, in part:

“The results of the voting once again reaffirm your high personal political reputation, as well as the support of the course you pursue towards India’s fast socioeconomic development and protection of its interests on the global stage.

We consider relations of especially privileged strategic partnership with New Delhi of great importance. I am confident that further promotion of mutually beneficial cooperation and giving it new substance aligns with the interests of the Russian and Indian nations.

Of course, I also hope that we will continue our open dialogue and constructive joint work on the topical issues on bilateral and international agenda.”

June 5, 2024