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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong

June 20, 2024, Hanoi

Vladimir Putin met with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) Nguyen Phu Trong. The talks took place in the CPVCC building.

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (retranslated): Dear friend,

I am delighted to once again meet with Comrade President, a valued and esteemed friend of our party, our state, and our people. We extend a warm welcome to all members of the Russian delegation.

Comrade President has consistently shown affection and strong support for the Vietnamese people and our bilateral relations. Together with our leaders, you personally initiated the establishment of a strategic partnership, and later elevated our relationship to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

I deeply appreciate your acceptance of our invitation to visit Vietnam following your re-election and inauguration. This marks your fifth visit to Vietnam, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on Foundations of Friendly Relations between our countries, as well as the recent centenary celebration of our President’s visit to Russia, which laid the foundation for our bilateral relations. We are also preparing to mark the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two countries.

Your visit holds great significance. Since the signing of this crucial agreement, our relations have flourished, steadily expanding and strengthening. Your current visit presents an excellent opportunity for us to discuss further measures and directions to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries for the benefit of our peoples, and to promote peace, cooperation, and development in the region and globally in this new era.

Our party, state, and people deeply appreciate and remain grateful to the Russian people for their selfless assistance and support during Vietnam’s struggle for independence, as well as in the subsequent development and defence of our homeland. Our people and I personally, as someone who once lived and studied in Russia, cherish fond memories of our warm-hearted Russian friends and hold Russia, a great and beautiful country, in high regard.

I now give the floor to you, Comrade President.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, friends.

I want to extend my gratitude for the warm reception extended to our delegation, and, of course, thank you for the invitation, which we all gladly accepted.

Vietnam has been and continues to be a reliable friend and partner for us. As you mentioned, Comrade General Secretary, our relationship has withstood the test of time, including during the heroic struggle of the Vietnamese people for their independence. These ties are built on trust and mutual support, enabling us to tackle even the most challenging issues and make progress with confidence.

It is noteworthy that my visit to Vietnam coincides with a significant milestone, the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on the Foundations of Friendly Relations, which established the legal framework for our ongoing cooperation.

We are steadfast in our commitment to further enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam, which remains a key priority for Russian foreign policy. We are prepared to continue our collaborative efforts across various areas, including the economy, science, technology, defence, security, culture and humanitarian contacts.

Bilateral trade is showing positive dynamics with a growth rate of over 8 percent in the past year. The intergovernmental commission is tasked with further solidifying this upward trend and contributing significantly to its continuation.

Cooperation in personnel training continues as well. Over the years, approximately 75,000 Vietnamese specialists have received an education in Russian universities. Currently, more than 3,000 Vietnamese citizens are pursuing their studies in Russia under the state quota system.

Today, I plan to meet with graduates of Soviet and Russian universities. I am aware that among them are numerous outstanding people from your country who have made significant contributions to strengthening Russian-Vietnamese relations and to Vietnam’s development. I recall the warm and friendly atmosphere of a similar event held back in 2001.

I would also like to note that Russia and Vietnam hold similar positions on numerous pertinent international issues. We are aligned in our vision of building a just, democratic, multipolar international order grounded in international law, sovereignty principles, and equality among nations.

We interact closely and constructively within international organisations, particularly in the UN, and we value your balanced stance on the most pressing crises.

Today presents a valuable opportunity to discuss key aspects of our comprehensive bilateral cooperation and to outline joint priorities for the future. Moreover, we will discuss the state of international affairs.

I am confident that our current visit will significantly boost the advancement of our relations across the entire spectrum of Russian-Vietnamese relations.

Thank you.


June 20, 2024, Hanoi