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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with graduates of Soviet and Russian universities

June 20, 2024, Hanoi

Vladimir Putin and President of Vietnam To Lam met with graduates of Soviet and Russian universities at the Grand Opera House in Hanoi.

After the meeting, the leaders attended a concert.

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends, good afternoon.

I am sincerely happy to meet with graduates of Russian universities and once again find myself among reliable friends of Russia.

I have the warmest and fondest memories of our meeting in the same format in Vietnam in 2001. Just like back then, the group that has gathered here today feels sympathy and love for Russia and its people. Therefore, all the applause directed at me should be directed towards the Russian Federation and its people, who also have very positive feelings towards Vietnam.

All of you have studied the Russian language and the history of our country, so there is no need to rely on translators; today they will not be needed at this meeting. I believe that, since you can speak Russian, you are aware of the current developments in Russia, such as the dynamic progress of our country, our economy, science, and society as a whole. You are familiar with our independent foreign policy, which we highly value.

Of course, it is also important for us because many of you hold high positions in government bodies, as well as social and political organisations in Vietnam, and have achieved succeed in business.

Of course, your success is above all the result of your personal and professional qualities, your diligence and your desire to acquire new knowledge and master your chosen profession; although I hope that your education in Russia has also contributed to your achievements.

It is very important that you share your positive sentiments towards Russia with your families, relatives, children, and friends, who perhaps have never visited Russia, but, I hope, are interested in it. Your contribution to the advancement of Russian-Vietnamese relations, which have been declared as a comprehensive strategic partnership in the Joint Russian-Vietnamese Statement adopted today, is truly invaluable.

I would like to emphasise Russia’s deep admiration for the courage, resilience, and heroism of the Vietnamese people in their struggle for independence. We also hold in high regard the hard work of the Vietnamese people, who have faced significant challenges with honour while defending the independence and freedom of their homeland, as well as preserving their vibrant culture and rich historical heritage.

I believe that preserving historical roots and traditional values is crucial for any nation, people, or country that wishes to endure and maintain its identity. It is a unifying factor for the peoples of our two nations, and we take pride in knowing that our contribution, the Soviet Union’s efforts, played a significant role in Vietnam’s illustrious victories. These victories include the restoration of Vietnam, the development of its economic and defence capabilities, addressing social challenges, and training skilled professionals across various fields.

Ho Chi Minh, a prominent Vietnamese leader and advocate for his people, always prioritised the future of Vietnam, particularly the education and development of its youth. He emphasised the necessity of integrating scientific theories with practical applications, adopting advanced technologies from other countries, and implementing them in Vietnam’s building and development, tailored to the country’s specific conditions. Tens of thousands of Vietnamese engineers, doctors, builders, teachers and economists, who received their education and acquired advanced knowledge and skills first in the Soviet Union and then in Russia, returned to Vietnam. They contributed significantly to their homeland by building cities and roads, providing education and healthcare, establishing new industries and factories, and ensuring the country’s security.

Over 3,000 Vietnamese nationals are currently enrolled in Russian universities, with a total of approximately 75,000 Vietnamese having received education in our country over the years. We are committed to further fostering student exchanges, academic mobility, and the initiation of collaborative educational projects and university programmes in every feasible manner.

I firmly believe that by building upon our strong traditions of friendship and mutual support, we will steadfastly advance the Russian-Vietnamese partnership, establish new ambitious goals, and undoubtedly achieve success.

I want to thank you for your attention and for your interest in Russia, the Russian language, and joint efforts.

Congratulations on your achievements thus far in life, and I am confident that you will continue to accomplish even more for the betterment of your homeland, Vietnam, and for the strengthening of Russian-Vietnamese friendship.

Thank you very much.


June 20, 2024, Hanoi