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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to 12th International Youth Industrial Forum Engineers of the Future

June 24, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the 12th International Youth Industrial Forum “Engineers of the Future,” which opened in the Tula Region.

The message reads, in part:

“It is symbolic that the Tula land, which has long been famous for its strong traditions of arms making, working dynasties, true craftsmen, talented creators and persons of natural gifts, has served as the venue for your meetings for the third year in a row. The forum brings together managers and specialists of the largest industrial corporations, as well as defence and engineering enterprises, scientists, professors, students and graduate students of specialised universities and also attracts motivated, gifted youth to solve current technical problems, which is very important. It opens up broad prospects for them to apply their knowledge and creative forces, inspires extraordinary, truly breakthrough ideas, and helps popularise engineering and vocational professions, which are especially in demand today, when Russia is implementing large-scale plans to increase its production potential at a whole new technological level.

I am confident that this forum will be a success, and its results will become a significant contribution in the development of Russian civil and defence industries and the Russian economy overall.”

June 24, 2024