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Official website of the President of Russia

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To participants, organisers, and guests of the 12th St Petersburg International Legal Forum

June 26, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants, organisers, and guests of the 12th St Petersburg International Legal Forum.

The message reads, in part:

“The extensive agenda and impressive composition of the forum have made your meetings a major social event. In the course of substantive discussions, prominent legal scholars, experts, and practicing lawyers will exchange experience, discuss legislative innovations and initiatives and expand their professional contacts.

Russia invariably defends the principle of the rule of law both in its domestic life and in the international arena. I firmly believe that in present-day conditions, the generally accepted laws remain a solid foundation on which we should build to promote stability on the planet and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, as well as human and civil rights and freedoms. The key role of law is undeniable in solving global and regional problems, developing economic and humanitarian ties and, of course, combatting common threats.

Russia is the BRICS chair country this year. Along with our partners, we are committed to developing effective legal regulation that can strengthen food and energy security and contribute to the protection of the environment and climate, as well as to the creation of fair rules for global trade and technological cooperation. We are ready to step up cooperation in these areas with other countries, above all from the Asia-Pacific region, Africa, and Latin America.

I am confident that the proposals, recommendations, and ideas expressed by the Forum participants will be in demand in real practice.”

June 26, 2024