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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings on opening the 8th Children of Asia International Sport Games

June 26, 2024

President Vladimir Putin sent greetings to participants in the opening ceremony of the 8th Children of Asia International Sport Games.

The message reads, in part:

“Your traditional competitions always take place at a high organisational and creative level. They make a significant contribution to developing junior league sport, popularising the ideas of the Olympic movement and strengthening friendship among peoples of various countries.

“This year, Yakutsk is welcoming the Children of Asia Games. The capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) rightfully boasts a substantial experience of holding these prestigious competitions. Of course, young people will be able to relax properly and become acquainted with landmarks and the unique nature of the Far Eastern region.

”I am confident that the Games will become a major and festive event for athletes, guests and residents of Yakutsk, and that they will be remembered for their tense, honest and beautiful struggle, brilliant victories and records.”

June 26, 2024