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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to participants in the National Graduation Ball 2024

June 28, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to participants in the National Graduation Ball 2024 in the Kremlin.

The message reads, in part:

“Today, you are participating in a solemn and touching event. The final school-bell has rung, exams are over, and you are saying good-bye to your school years. You are embarking on a journey of independence and are on the cusp of making important, responsible decisions. From the bottom of my heart, I wish for all your plans and dreams to come true, and for you to realise your talents and aspirations, achieve success in your profession and life, and benefit your homeland, your city or your village. The country needs your youthful enthusiasm and energy, your sense of purpose and your eagerness.

I am confident that, no matter how many years pass, you will always remember your school with warmth, just as you will cherish your true friends and favourite teachers and mentors. After all, they have opened to you an immense world of knowledge, rejoiced in your victories, helped you with wise advice, and taught you to be honest and upright people even in the most challenging situations.”

June 28, 2024