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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with President of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan

July 3, 2024, Astana

Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Astana.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President,

Colleagues, friends,

I am very glad to see you again.

Mr President, we maintain regular contact, discussing developments between our two countries, the situation in the region, and in the world. However, we have not seen each other for a long time. I am delighted to see you again.

I would like to note that relations between Russia and Turkiye are progressing despite the current challenges in the world. The last few months saw a slight decline in trade, but it still remains relatively high: US$55 billion, if we count in US dollars.

All our large projects are being implemented on schedule. There are no delays. I would like to note last year the Russian tourist flow in Turkiye was record high with 6.3 million of our tourists visiting Turkiye. I would like to express my gratitude for the conditions the country has created for Russian tourists.

We are very glad that new projects are being planned as well as that I have an opportunity to meet with you today, review the results of last year’s work and outline prospects for the near future, in a personal conversation.

Of course, we continue to work actively in various key areas of international politics in constant contact with you. Our ministries and agencies constantly exchange information and coordinate their position on key areas. We also work in various international organisations and on international platforms. We are very glad to hold this meeting on the sidelines the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, which is one of them.

I am very glad to meet with you again, Mr President.

President of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan (retranslated): Mr President.

For quite a long time, I have not been able to meet my dear friend, and we practised telephone diplomacy. In the meantime, our respective agencies were in constant contact with each other – specifically, the Turkish Foreign Minister, the Minister of Treasury and the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. They have maintained continuous contact with their colleagues in Russia. Today we are here with you. It is a very important step.

As concerns the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, we are building it together. We hope to put it into operation in the nearest future. With that, we have had contacts regarding the construction of another nuclear power plant in the city of Sinop. I believe we can and we will make serious steps.

On this matter, I want to point out that the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources continues its contacts with colleagues in Russia. Following their meetings, I want to note that the companies Botas and Gazprom continue their contacts based on sincere grounds.

As you said, a turnover of US$25 billion is very insignificant. We have set a goal of US$100 billion, and I believe we will achieve it. We do have sufficient trade potential.

Regarding the tourist sector, about seven million tourists will visit our country, and it is very important. We will welcome Russian tourists in our country. It is a matter of great significance to us, and we sincerely care about it. I also want to note that we will continue making improvements, as long as Russian tourists are happy with our hospitality.

Our country’s path is strong and continues to grow stronger, and we want to further develop warm relations between Russia and Turkiye.

There is one more thing to say. I look forward to welcoming you, Mr President, to my country very soon.


July 3, 2024, Astana