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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to the participants and organisers of the 19th Within the Family international festival of family and children’s films

July 6, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the participants and organisers of the 19th Within the Family international festival of family and children’s films.

The message reads, in part:

“Over the recent years this creative show has established itself in the calendar of meaningful cultural events and secured a special place there. It actively promotes development of modern cinema, serves the purpose of education, promotion of family films, and introduces viewers to new films based on the eternal themes of love, friendship, creation, high moral and humanistic ideals, and the education of the younger generation. It is all the more encouraging that the festival programme includes many foreign participants, who also seek to make their contribution to the support of traditional spiritual and family values.

I believe that this year, which is declared in Russia the Year of the Family, the festival will be a success, attracting special attention from specialists and general public, and will be remembered for its interesting premieres, a warm and welcoming atmosphere.”

July 6, 2024