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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to the finalists of the national Bolshaya Peremena contest for pupils of the 5–7 forms and the participants on the international track

July 22, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the finalists of the national Bolshaya Peremena contest for pupils of the 5–7 forms and the participants on the international track.

The message reads, in part:

“I welcome you to Artek International Children’s Centre, which is hosting the finals of the Bolshaya Peremena national context, one of the most significant and large-scale projects of the Movement of the First.

I am sincerely delighted that this wonderful competition is becoming more popular every year, and today it brings together not only schoolchildren of the 5–7 forms from Russian regions, but also schoolchildren from foreign countries.

Participation in Bolshaya Peremena is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills in a variety of fields, such as arts and education, science and high technology, and volunteering and environmental initiatives. It is certainly very important that you are learning to work as a team and making new friends. I am certain that the knowledge and skills you have gained will continue to come in handy in your studies and future profession.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank your teachers, mentors, parents, and friends – everyone who supports you and helps you move forward with confidence and fulfil your plans.”

July 22, 2024