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The President sent greetings to participants, organisers and guests of the social orphanhood prevention forum To Live and Be Raised in a Family and the 23rd Congress of National Commissioners for Children’s Rights held within the framework of the forum.
The message reads, in part:
“Today, the heads of government agencies, NGOs, volunteer and charity associations, media representatives and family experts have met in Novosibirsk. This broad representation clearly demonstrates the importance of the matters on your agenda and the state and society’s focus on them.
A great deal has been accomplished in response to society’s demands over the past period, including this year, the Year of the Family, to protect the interests of children, promote family values, support large families and improve relevant legislation. In this context, I would like to express my appreciation for the hard and selfless work of children’s rights commissioners in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Donbass and Novorossiya. It is largely thanks to your assistance that an increasing number of children and families overcome difficult life situations and more children from social facilities find their new families. We must strengthen the interaction between the government and civil society institutions in all these spheres, using the substantial capabilities of the media, the volunteer movement and youth organisations.
I have no doubt that during this forum you will exchange your experience and best practices, and that your decisions will be implemented in practice alongside new initiatives.”
November 13, 2024