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September 3, 2021
Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the Vyshe Kryshi National Youth Civic Education Forum held in St Petersburg on September 3–5.
September 3, 2021
Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the 12th Mikael Tariverdiev International Organ Competition.
September 3, 2021
Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the participants and guests of the Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy forum held traditionally on the shore of Lake Como.
September 3, 2021
The President took part in the ceremony to launch Gazprom’s helium hub in Vladivostok, via videoconference.
September 3, 2021
September 3, 2021
Vladimir Putin met, via videoconference, with the moderators of the main EEF sessions on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.
September 3, 2021
Vladimir Putin sent greetings to participants, organisers and guests of the Jigoro Kano International Judo Tournament for junior athletes in Vladivostok.
September 2, 2021
Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the Eurasia Global International Youth Forum held under the patronage of UNESCO.
September 2, 2021
Vladimir Putin chaired a videoconference meeting on the socioeconomic development of the Far Eastern Federal District.
September 2, 2021
The President attended an interactive presentation of the Far East development results at Far Eastern Federal University.
September 2, 2021
Vladimir Putin visited the Far Eastern Maritime Training Centre of Admiral Nevelskoi Maritime State University.
September 1, 2021
The President congratulated Musa Taymazov on winning the men's club throw event at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo.
September 1, 2021
Vladimir Putin congratulated Andrei Kalina, winner in the 200m medley swimming event at the XVI Summer Paralympics in Tokyo.
September 1, 2021
Vladimir Putin congratulated Galina Lipatnikova on winning the women’s shot put event at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo.
September 1, 2021
Vladimir Putin congratulated Viktoria Ishchiulova on winning the women's 50m freestyle event at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo.
September 1, 2021
The President had a working meeting with Primorye Territory Governor Oleg Kozhemyako.
September 1, 2021
President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated Ruslan Kuznetsov on winning the men’s cycling roadrace event at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo.
September 1, 2021
Vladimir Putin congratulated Maria Pavlova on winning the 100m breaststroke swimming event at the XVI Summer Paralympics in Tokyo.
September 1, 2021
During a working trip to Primorye Territory, Vladimir Putin attended, via videoconference, the opening ceremony for social education facilities in the Republic of Dagestan.
September 1, 2021
Vladimir Putin attended, via videoconference, a ceremony for signing of Voluntary Commitments by the founding companies of the Russian Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment.