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Official website of the President of Russia

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Opening Remarks at a Meeting with Deng Rong, the daughter of Deng Xiaoping

July 28, 2003, The Kremlin, Moscow

President Vladimir Putin: Good day,

It gives me real pleasure to welcome you to Moscow.

I’m happy to note that the Russian public and a wide range of readers here have the opportunity to read books about your father’s life, and to read his own works.

I’m even happier to see that the ideas set forth by Deng Xiaoping are being implemented in China’s domestic policy and continued in its foreign policy. Here I have in mind the economic cooperation between Russia and China and the development of the strategic partnership between our two countries.

Even the handover of power to a new generation of Chinese leaders took place as Deng Xiaoping had said it would. I am pleased that after Jiang Zemin and I signed the Agreement on Good-neighbourly relations, Friendship and Cooperation in 2001, we are now working with the new President of the People’s Republic of China to implement its provisions in practice.

(After Deng Rong made a gift of the second volume of her book, ”My father Deng Xiaoping & The Cultural Revolution: A Daughter Recalls the Critical Years)

Thank you very much. I will read it with pleasure and keep in mind that it was written by someone who knows probably more than anyone about the events, both public and not so well known, that took place during this very interesting period of your father’s life and the history of the People’s Republic of China.

July 28, 2003, The Kremlin, Moscow