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Official website of the President of Russia

Transcripts   /

Answers to Journalists Questions after the Launching of the Internet Site “The Russian President to School Age Citizens”

January 19, 2004, The Kremlin, Moscow

Question: What section of the site did you like most?

Vladimir Putin: I think it is a well-balanced site and kids will find it interesting. I think the creators did a good job because it can be difficult to reach a child’s heart.

The creators have succeeded. Of course, we will know the results a little later when children start using the site. We will see it at once from the number of hits. That’s number one. Number two. I think it is technically very well done. It is hi-tech and attractive. The characters who are the guides live in the site and accompany the user to various sections. It loads very quickly and information from the site is easy to access. I think it is a very competent and modern site technically. All this gives us grounds to hope that the site will be useful and interesting for the target audience, the children of Russia.

Question: The site is very liberal. Is that a considered choice? Why?

Vladimir Putin: This was the approach proposed by those who designed it. I think that is right. In fact, I agreed and supported it. You cannot have too many restrictions for a child if we want to get information across to him. The fewer restrictions and formalities the better.

Question: So much attention is given to the children’s site. In your opinion, which site is more important, the child or adult one?

Vladimir Putin: Both are important and it’s hard to say which is more so. You know, the younger the audience the more skill it requires from the teachers to work with it. The foundation of civic attitude and human individuality is laid in childhood. From that point of view, a children’s site is at least as important, perhaps more important than an adult site.

January 19, 2004, The Kremlin, Moscow