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Official website of the President of Russia

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Excerpts from a Transcript of a Meeting with Members of Government

May 23, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow

President Vladimir Putin: Sergei Viktorovich (talking to Sergei Lavrov), you have completed work on regulating border issues with Estonia. How was cooperation with colleagues organised at the concluding stage?

Sergei Lavrov: Everything took place as we had agreed with our Estonian colleagues. No additions were made to the agreement on the border that was signed. During the talks that preceded the signing of the document, the Estonian minister confirmed the position that after ratification, the agreement would finally solve the issue of border crossings. We will naturally see how this ratification is passed in Estonia, and then we will present you with proposals on the dates of our ratification.

Mr Putin: Did you agree on synchronising our efforts in working with the national parliaments?

Mr Lavrov: We agreed that in the near future we would exchange estimates on when this work can begin in parliaments, and we will work together. But our Estonian colleagues are well aware of our position – that there will not be any provisos, reservations, or -sided alterations on either side.

Mr Putin: Is the situation with our Latvian colleagues unchanged?

Mr Lavrov: Yes, it is unchanged. Although the Latvian President told me in a brief conversation at the recent Council of Europe summit in Warsaw that she believes it is necessary to change the incorrect position of the Latvian government, which passed a one-sided declaration that essentially maintains its territorial claims to Russia. For us this is unacceptable.

Mr Putin: Good. Report to me separately about this later.

May 23, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow