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Official website of the President of Russia

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Beginning of a Meeting with former U.S. President George Bush Sr

May 23, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow

President Vladimir Putin: It is very pleasing for me to see you, Mr President. I remember our meeting in Sochi and would like to say that we do not forget that your signature is on the Charter for cooperation and friendship between Russia and the United States of America, which was signed in 1991. It is very pleasing for me that you continue to work actively in the political field, and this is how we see your visit on the international board of Daimer Chrysler. Welcome!

George Bush: Thank you very much, Mr President. On Friday evening I dined with President No. 43. I told him that you would be so kind as to give me a few minutes. He was very pleased with this. He did not ask me to pass on any specific message to you, but he said that he was extremely happy with the results of his visit to Moscow. He believes that this visit was successful. He reacted negatively to certain criticism that was made of him after this visit. He believes that it was an outstanding visit.

Mr Putin: We also value this visit highly: both the ceremonial part devoted to the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the victory over Nazism, and the material part, which was devoted to our dialogue on bilateral and international problems.

So I urge you to pass on my very best wishes to the current U.S. President and his wife. We will soon meet at the G-8 meeting, and of course we will continue our talks within the G-8 and on bilateral issues.

May 23, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow