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President Vladimir Putin:
Your Majesty,
Distinguished colleagues,
Allow me once more to wish you a warm welcome to Moscow.
We see Brunei as a good friend and promising partner in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region in general.
We very much value, Your Majesty, the close attention you pay to developing relations between Russia and Brunei.
We have good relations today in the area of political cooperation. Now we need to add a practical dimension to our relations, above all, to our trade and economic relations, as you and I discussed, Your Majesty, at our meeting together. There is a very wide range of areas in which we can work together. This includes investment activity, the oil and gas sector, the mining industry, the energy sector, science, high technology and military-technical cooperation.
Your Majesty, we are sure that your visit will give a positive impulse to developing our bilateral relations.
Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah: First of all, I would like to thank you, Mr President, for the invitation to visit your country and for the warmth and hospitality you have shown the members of my delegation and myself.
I am pleased to be able to say that, just a few minutes ago, at our meeting in narrow format, we concluded discussions on a whole number of very interesting issues concerning cooperation between our countries, in particular, in the military sphere, oil and gas industry development and also the high-tech sector.
June 7, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow