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Official website of the President of Russia

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Speech at the Opening of the 7th International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS-2005)

August 16, 2005, Moscow Region, Zhukovsky

President Vladimir Putin: First of all, I would like to congratulate those gathered here today, those who love aviation and space, and all of our visitors on the opening of the salon MAKS-2005.

This is only the seventh such salon and when compared to other, similar events, it does not have a long history. However, I would also like to note that, compared to the first salon, experts from a great many countries are gathered here today. At the first salon, we had the honour of welcoming visitors from 12 countries and representing 203 enterprises, in Moscow today, we find ourselves among representatives of 654 enterprises from 40 different countries. The reason that so much attention is paid to Moscow's salon is clear: our country has some of the most advanced aviation and space industries in the world. We have a long tradition of collecting intellectual prowess in this area. Our experts offer interesting, and sometimes simple solutions. And most importantly, through their reasonable prices, our aircraft are accessible to all.

For this reason, I wish to give a sincere and heartfelt welcome to all our visitors.

I am absolutely convinced that you will find the salon, and the possibility of working with Russians and citizens from 40 countries, both interesting and useful.

In addition to successful and interesting work, I would like to wish you interesting and useful contracts.

I mentioned that there are experts from 40 countries at the salon, especially because we see cooperation with our international partners as the future for our domestic aviation and space sectors. During the past few years, these contacts have developed very successfully with North American, European, and Asian partners.

Once again, and with all my heart, I would like to welcome you and wish you the utmost success. I wish you both the bluest sky and the best results teamwork can produce. I congratulate everyone on the opening of MAKS-2005.

Thank you very much for your attention.

August 16, 2005, Moscow Region, Zhukovsky