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Official website of the President of Russia

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Speech at a Meeting Marking Security Service Workers’ Day

December 20, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow

President Vladimir Putin: Dear Comrades,

Dear Veterans,

I offer you my most heartfelt best wishes and congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday – Security Service Workers’ Day.

This holiday has come to symbolise the best traditions in the Russian special services – traditions that have served as an example for many generations of security service personnel.

Not only has your work always called for a high level of professionalism, but it has also always demanded high human and moral qualities. To this day, professionalism, patriotism, noble spirit and faithfulness to one’s duty form the foundation of the Russian special services’ personnel corps and are one of the best guarantees of their flawless service of their homeland.

Today we remember and pay our tribute of respect to those who, despite the personal risks and the difficult historical circumstances, preserved our homeland’s sovereignty and security. We remember and pay tribute to all who defended our country’s national interests, and to all who paid a high and sometimes irreplaceable price in the name of the lives and freedom of our citizens.

Dear colleagues,

Today, too, the security services bear responsibility for highly complex work in a whole number of areas of great state importance.

Combating the terrorist threat remains one of the key areas of this work. The events that took place in Nalchik in October showed that our security services have sufficient forces and resources at their disposal to firmly repulse criminals. And working together in a united front with the special services of other countries, of our allies and partners, they can take effective action against terrorist incursions and neutralise and liquidate their perpetrators, wherever they may hide.

At the same time, we must remember that the fight against terror calls for the skilled and professional use of our entire arsenal of operative, technical and analytical resources, and in this area, now more than ever, we must constantly be looking for new and more effective methods. This includes clearer and more precise coordination of action and information exchanges between the relevant services in the CIS and Collective Security Treaty Organisation countries, and between state and international organisations.

Another of your direct responsibilities is to work together with the law enforcement agencies to make real progress in taking effective action to root out organised crime, drugs trafficking and corruption.

This is important not only as an essential condition for Russia’s economic and social wellbeing; reducing the level of crime in our society will help increase our country’s international authority and make it more attractive for business and investment.

The security services, above all the FSB, should become an important link in successfully combating extremism. Russia’s strength always lay in its national unity, in the unity between the many peoples who call this country home. We must understand very clearly that militant nationalism, xenophobia and calls to violence and interethnic strife threaten the very stability of our multiethnic state. We must take decisive action to suppress these kinds of crimes and to identify the ideologues and organisers behind them.

The Federal Border Guards’ Service’s successful integration into the FSB system is very significant. As you know, new principles for the protection of Russia’s borders are now being implemented. The border protection facilities and potential in the most difficult region – the North Caucasus – have been considerably reinforced. Almost a third of the planned new facilities equipped with modern equipment and state-of-the-art technology have begun operation this year.

Your job is not only to provide reliable protection of our borders but also to help build peace and stability throughout the entire Eurasian area. Our neighbours should be confident that Russia will always be an effective ally and partner in the fight against terrorism and other serious threats and challenges.

Dear colleagues,

Russia is building up its economic potential with every passing year. We are open for integration into the world economy and for a fruitful and mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and technology.

But it is no less important to help our designers and industrialists protect their intellectual property rights and patents, to help them turn our country’s scientific achievements and the latest civilian and military technologies into commercially successful projects.

In this context, information security, protection for Russian business on foreign markets and help for business in ensuring a fair and safe competitive environment are all tasks of increasing importance. The considerable technical and intellectual potential of the special services, including the SVR [Russian Foreign Intelligence Service] should contribute actively to this work.

I would like to note the SVR’s increasingly effective work. The information and analytical reports and forecasts we receive through its channels are a significant basis for taking some of the most important state decisions.

I would also like to note the professionalism and well organised work of the Federal Guards Service. The flawless organisation of such major events as the Victory Day celebrations, the 1000th anniversary of the city of Kazan and the 750th anniversary of the city of Kaliningrad owed much to the service’s excellent level of work. I hope the service will continue to show its professionalism and good coordination during the holding of other national and international events.

The Special Programmes Chief Directorate is also responsible for ensuring the uninterrupted work of the main elements in the state system. The services’ personnel have demonstrated on many an occasion that they know how to act rapidly and competently in even the most difficult situations. It is important to maintain these high standards and continue perfecting your professional skills.

Dear friends,

I would like to say in conclusion that the most rigorous and objective measure of your successful work is the trust and assurance of the Russian public – trust founded on respect for the individual, respect for people’s rights and liberties and for the principles of democracy.

Russia’s people should be fully confident that their security is reliably guaranteed and that those serving in the security services are strong-willed, decent and professional people who know how to take the most responsible decisions, who respect human dignity and who act in strict accordance with the law.

I would like to thank you and your colleagues for your good and loyal service. And, of course, I would like to take this occasion to express words of thanks to your families, to all who show you their care each day, look after home and hearth and are always at your sides, whether during difficult moments, at times of celebration or during your day-to-day work.

I wish you good health, prosperity and success of every kind.

December 20, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow