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Official website of the President of Russia

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A New Year Address to the Nation

December 31, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow

Vladimir Putin: Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

In a few minutes we shall greet the New Year 2006.

These moments always bring together the people of our huge country because now each of us recalls the past, thinks about the future and, of course, hopes for the best.

When evaluating the events of 2005 we think first and foremost about how we, our family and friends spent this past year.

And the destiny of the whole country basically takes shape from each of our lives.

We can say with confidence that as a whole 2005 was a positive year in practically all areas. It has convincingly proven that we are capable of a great deal. Certainly we still have plenty of problems and we know that we alone can resolve them.

We have ambitious and very important plans in economy and social sphere. We shall strengthen Russia's defences and protect the interests of our citizens in the widest sense of the word. And we shall do this.

New Year is one of our most favourite holidays. It is a loving and, despite the winter weather, genuinely warm holiday. It unites us around our most important values—love of children, parents, friends and relatives, our home and our country.

A lot of joyful festive days lie ahead of us.

I wish you all the best!

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2005, The Kremlin, Moscow