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Official website of the President of Russia

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Speech at an Event to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Russia’s Submarine Fleet

March 15, 2006, Moscow

President Vladimir Putin:

Dear Comrades,

I congratulate you on this significant and genuinely historic date – the 100th anniversary of Russia’s submarine fleet. I congratulate all of you who have linked your destiny to our country’s submarine fleet and for whom serving our homeland is the meaning of your lives, and I congratulate all those who at this very minute are keeping watch far from their native soil.

Russia’s submarine fleet is not only a symbol of our military power and the guarantee of our country’s security and national interests. It is above all people – people of strong will and spirit. The professionalism, courage and responsibility of our submariners has long since become a model to follow and their heroism fills the chronicles of our submarine fleet, from the first submarine, Delfin, to the nuclear submarines of today.

During the years of World War II alone, our submarine fleet made more than 1,000 voyages and sank more than 80 enemy warships and 328 enemy transport vessels. The names of submarine commanders such as Heroes of the Soviet Union Shchedrin, Fisanovich, Marinesco, Gadjiev, Vidyaev and many others will be remembered forever in the annals of naval history.

Our submariners thwarted the enemy’s plans to capture the city of Murmansk and ensured uninterrupted movement of the northern convoys, ultimately guaranteeing our full supremacy at sea.

After the war, the creation of our nuclear submarine fleet enabled our country to achieve strategic parity with the world’s leading sea powers and reaffirm Russia’s glory as a great naval power.

It is my conviction that to serve in a submarine fleet with a history such as this is both a great honour and a great responsibility.

Dear comrades,

Russia’s submarine fleet today is one of the principle instruments of our country’s defence policy. It forms the backbone of our Navy and is one of the most mobile components in our strategic defences.

The submarine fleet represents the use of advanced technology in shipbuilding and in its weapons systems, which in many respects have no equivalent anywhere else in the world.

These factors are of immense importance in guaranteeing Russia’s security and global security, and they play a key part in the strategic deterrent process at regional and global level.

This is why high-quality technological modernisation of the submarine fleet is one of the state’s priorities today. This is the goal of our arms modernisation and shipbuilding programmes.

Russia’s Navy will soon receive a fourth-generation submarine equipped with the new Bulava missile system. This submarine will be the first in a whole group of modern submarines that are to be built.

Our main aim is to create a fleet that can react to the modern threats we face today and that can deflect any military and political pressure on our country, a fleet that will guarantee our naval power and the security of our people.

Of course, it is also a priority for the state to ensure good service conditions for our submariners and to raise their social status.

Although the public is often not aware of your personal feats and achievements, the state knows how difficult your service is and understands the real situation in the submarine fleet. The tragedies that not only the submariners but also our entire nation have lived through together have taught us that we must make the greatest possible effort to create a technologically exemplary submarine fleet that will be at the forefront of the entire Armed Forces.

The state will continue to do everything necessary to strengthen the submarine fleet’s personnel resources.

Dear comrades,

Loyal to their oath and to the Andreyevsky Flag, today’s submariners are carrying out their military duties with honour. I would like to thank you for your flawless service that involves considerable risk and calls for selflessness and dedication.

Once again I congratulate yourselves and your families on this occasion and I wish you all the very best.

Thank you.

March 15, 2006, Moscow