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Official website of the President of Russia

Transcripts   /

Beginning of Meeting with President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov

May 12, 2006, Sochi

President Vladimir Putin: Dear Islam Abduganievich [Karimov],

Allow me first of all to welcome you to Sochi. Thank you for accepting this invitation.

As you know, I just recently signed the law on the ratification of our treaty on an alliance between our countries. This marks the start of a new stage in our cooperation.

I would also like to note the increasing political contacts we have. The speakers of both houses of parliament have visited Uzbekistan this year and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, first deputy prime minister in the Russian Government, also visited you recently, as have other colleagues of ours who are working on developing our bilateral relations. In this respect I also note that our trade and economic ties are showing good growth.

I am sure that we will talk about this today, and about the situation in the region. We are not at all indifferent to this subject because this region is our common home.

Once more, let me wish you a warm welcome and express the hope that your working visit to Russia will take place in a spirit of friendship and will benefit both Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation.


May 12, 2006, Sochi