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Official website of the President of Russia

Transcripts   /

Beginning of the Meeting with the Head of Forbes Publishing Company, Stephen Forbes

June 13, 2006, Saint Petersburg

Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon dear colleagues.

I am very glad that Forbes is paying so much attention to developing its relations with Russia and to making people aware of Russian-American cooperation in all fields. I know about your initiative to hold a Forbes CEO Forum in 2007 in Moscow.

The magazine is well-known and popular not only among experts but also among the general public. So I am pleased to meet with you. And I hope that further attention that you and your colleagues pay to Russia will remain of the same, high-quality kind.

Steven Forbes: (back translation) Thank you Mr President for finding the time to meet with us on this very busy day, a day that was a great success both for Russia and for yourself. I am extraordinarily happy to meet you because you introduced the flat tax into Russia. I tried to do the same thing in the USA but it did not work out for me.

Vladimir Putin: There is still a good option. You just need to be registered as a resident in Russia. That’s all.

June 13, 2006, Saint Petersburg