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Official website of the President of Russia

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Address to Workers and Engineers at the Izhora Pipe Plant

July 14, 2006, Kolpino, Leningrad Region

President Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon,

I congratulate you most sincerely on the inauguration of this plant, really a very fine complex, I would say, representing the latest technology and big investment for the city. The Governor is very happy on this occasion. But this is a big step forward not only for the city. This is an important step forward for the development of our energy sector.

You are well aware of the large-scale energy projects that we have planned. These include undersea gas pipeline projects and the oil pipeline that will link Siberia to the Pacific coast. This also includes potential new pipeline systems in the Far North. Furthermore, there is the need to repair and upgrade a large number of existing pipeline systems, so your products can be sure of having a good, reliable and long-term market.

I would like to congratulate you all and thank you for the work you have done together, all of you who built this wonderful facility, and our foreign partners. I also want to congratulate the future buyers and users of your products. Now they will have the high quality product they need, manufactured here in Russia using the most advanced technology that our German friends have delivered. And I have absolutely no doubt that your work will be successful.

I wish you all high wages and satisfaction in this important work that you are engaged in.

I wish you all the best.

Thank you very much.

July 14, 2006, Kolpino, Leningrad Region