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President Vladimir Putin: In conclusion I would like to say that, as usual, a list of orders has been prepared. I would like to draw your attention to the most significant aspects of these orders to the government cabinet. They reflect the proposals made by Oleg Petrovich [Korolyov, Governor of the Lipetsk region] and what our colleagues have talked about during today’s speeches.
The first concerns preparing and submitting a draft bill to the State Duma Federal Assembly. We are suggesting not to call it “On Industrial Policy” but rather “On Government Forecasting and Social and Economic Development in the Russian Federation”. I am referring to what was said in the report by the State Council working group.
Second. We must develop a system of measures designed to increase the share of processing manufacturers with high added value, having provided for subsidising interest rates on credits intended to increase the production of high-tech products. This may be aviation, ship-building or something else – it is the cabinet that must decide. But I mean not just to consider this but to actually develop a system of measures for the next three budgetary years.
Next. It is necessary to create a normative legal basis that will allow executive bodies of the Russian Federation and commercial organisations to conclude investment agreements on implementing investment projects in various industrial sectors, projects that provide for various forms of governmental support.
It is also necessary to develop comprehensive measures to increase exports of industrial production, including mechanical and technical products designed for civil use. I think that by creating an investment company we will be able to ensure that the necessary mechanisms are provided.
In conclusion I would like to say something about which I spoke in my opening address, namely that the state is the major shareholder for a significant part of industrial assets. And it is not enough that we try to exert active influence on the creation of a new economic environment – the government must also create such an environment. This is not simply one day’s work. And if we do not work on this systematically, then it will never be a success. This issue must permanently be on the cabinet’s agenda and that of the heads of regions. Thank you.
February 19, 2007, Volgograd