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President Vladimir Putin: Mr President, I am very happy to see you.
Our relations have entered a new stage in their development since Montenegro obtained independence. This applies to our political contacts and to our economic cooperation.
Our trade and economic ties are still at a modest level, but we are pleased to see that Russian investment is increasing. We know about our big companies’ plans and we hope that they will benefit from the favourable conditions your government has put in place and that economic actors have thus far enjoyed. We note the favourable attitude the government of Montenegro shows towards Russian companies’ investment activity, and we thank you for this.
Filip Vujanovic: Mr President,
I would like to thank you for this meeting and for your position of principle on matters in our region.
Russia’s position, and your position as President of Russia, was of great assistance in holding a democratic referendum giving our citizens the chance to express their will freely. We would also like to thank Russia for its swift recognition of independent Montenegro and for rapidly establishing diplomatic relations and appointing an ambassador.
I think that the good political relations we have already established at this point will gain new substance through economic cooperation. The creation of the Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic and Scientific Cooperation will make a valuable contribution to this work.
This committee, co-chaired by Minister Shoigu for Russia and by Minister Rodcin for Montenegro, has now held its first meeting and outlined an action plan.
June 24, 2007, Zagreb, Croatia